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Don Braid: UCP MLA makes worrisome claim that ‘wheels are in motion’ on a COVID vaccine ban in Alberta

An elected UCP MLA, Eric Bouchard of Calgary-Lougheed, wants COVID vaccines banned completely in Alberta.

He says he’s encouraged after talking “multiple times” to Health Minister Adriana LaGrange.

The extreme anti-vax movement is now tiptoeing around the heart of government. The people who say their freedoms were denied during the pandemic want to deny a basic freedom to all Albertans — the right to be vaccinated.

In a video posted on X, the first-term MLA says: “I’ve had multiple lengthy conversations with Health Minister LaGrange, and you know, there’s no set date, but my win would be when the shots are removed, of course.”

Government moves slowly, he adds, and the legislature isn’t sitting in summer. “We don’t get to discuss it on a daily basis in the legislature and caucus meetings,” he says.

But “the wheels are in motion. . . . I’m hoping sooner (rather) than later. I’m very optimistic.”

In a response, LaGrange’s office makes no reference to Bouchard or any talks with him, but said there’s no such plan.

“This vaccine will continue to be a choice that Albertans can make,” the statement says. “Alberta’s government is not considering any changes to COVID-19 vaccine funding or access.

“The Premier and Minister LaGrange have been clear that Albertans can and do make their own personal health decisions, including whether or not to receive a vaccine.

“In the fall, we will be introducing legislation to amend Alberta’s Bill of Rights to strengthen Albertans’ individual and property rights, including an amendment to guarantee Albertans the right to accept or refuse a medical treatment, such as a vaccine.

“This year, approximately 16.9 per cent of Albertans chose to get the COVID-19 vaccine, and Alberta’s government will continue to allow Albertans to make this decision.”

That’s clear enough in a narrow sense. But the anti-vax movement is undeniably influencing the views of some Albertans. One sign is that 16.9 per cent vaccination rate.

And part of this trend is the government’s artful ambiguity.

While the UCP continues with funding and access, Premier Danielle Smith and her ministers never take on the deniers directly or express flat-out support for vaccination. They present vaccines not as a positive health measure, but solely a matter of choice.

Many doctors are appalled and worried.

“I normally would not comment on this kind of nonsense,” says Dr. Paul Parks, president of the Alberta Medical Association, referring to MLA Bouchard’s comments.

“But this is the literal definition of ignorance. This kind of talk has ramifications on our healthcare system and the health of Albertans.

“I’ve seen children dying of vaccine preventable illnesses. I’ve seen adults dying of vaccine preventable illnesses in my emergency departments, in hospitals in this province.

“The impact on the rest of the public of people choosing to be not vaccinated is very real. It has a huge impact on the whole health care system. It’s not just about the single individual.”

Parks is an emergency doctor who works regular shifts in Medicine Hat. Views like Bouchard’s are “incredibly discouraging and demoralizing for doctors,” he adds.

“As an emergency physician working on the front line, I can tell you that very few Albertans are science deniers when they come into our emergency departments in life-threatening condition.”

One longtime observer says the government’s attitude “is all about the leadership vote,” referring to the party’s ballot on approval for Smith, coming Nov. 2.

There’s no doubt whatever about that.

Only days ago, Smith was peppered at a Calgary-Lougheed event with questions about vaccines. At one point she seemed pleased that, as she claimed, only six per cent of Albertans are choosing to vaccinate their children.

To the claim that child deaths have risen by 3,000 per cent from vaccinations, she said some deaths are being “re-categorized.”

Worried UCP moderate members hope a comfortable win for Smith in the leadership vote will put an end to all this ducking and weaving. I wouldn’t count on it.

Don Braid’s column appears regularly in the Herald

X: @DonBraid
